Embark on a journey of groundbreaking innovation with Jun Dental Lab, the forefront of implant dentistry. Led by our visionary founder, an industry luminary scouted to the States for his pioneering invention of custom abutments, we have earned our reputation as the go-to implant specialist dental lab. In a world where precision is paramount, and digital dentistry reigns supreme, our commitment to perfection leaves zero room for error.


  • At the core of our implant solutions is the ingenuity of our founder, a distinguished technician whose custom abutments have redefined the standards of implant dentistry. Backed by years of expertise and a relentless pursuit of excellence, our custom abutments stand as a testament to innovation and precision. Dentists turn to us for solutions that not only meet but exceed their expectations, thanks to the unparalleled expertise of our founder.

  • When dentists seek answers and guidance in the realm of implantology, our founder is the go-to authority. Renowned for his expertise, he has conducted numerous seminars, sharing insights, techniques, and the latest advancements in implant dentistry. Collaborate with us, and benefit from a wealth of knowledge that ensures every implant case is handled with the highest level of proficiency.

  • In an era where digital dentistry is non-negotiable, we stand at the forefront of technological advancements. Our implant solutions seamlessly integrate with cutting-edge digital workflows, leaving no room for margin of error. From digital impressions to computer-aided design (CAD) and precision milling, our processes are meticulously calibrated to deliver implants with unmatched accuracy, fit, and esthetics.

Why Choose Our Implants

Customization Mastery

Experience the artistry of custom abutments tailored to the unique needs of each patient.


Industry Leadership

Align with a dental lab led by an industry pioneer, sought after for expertise and knowledge.


Digital Precision

Embrace the future with implant solutions that harness the power of digital dentistry.



Reliability and Trust

Join a community of dentists who trust our expertise for flawless implant restorations.

Titanium Customized Abutment

Over Denture

UCLA Abutment


Zirconia Abutment

Milled Bar

Screwmentable Crown


Get in touch.

Elevate your implant dentistry practice us. Discover the transformative power of custom abutments, guided by the unmatched expertise of our founder. Immerse yourself in a world where innovation meets precision, setting new standards for excellence in implant solutions. Partner with us, and together, let's redefine the future of implant dentistry.